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A better way to bank.

First City Credit Union is a nation leading 5-star rated credit union.

With more than $900 million in assets, more than 56,000 members, and capital reserves of 13.0% of assets – a measurement of strength that few banks or credit unions can match – First City is among the nation’s strongest financial institutions.
First City’s Mission Statement
To empower our members’ financial wellness via advice and advocacy

First City History and Profile

On September 28, 1937, as America struggled to recover from the Great Depression, a small group of Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputies and other L.A. county government employees gathered in Room 116 of the downtown Roslyn Hotel on Broadway to make a difference in the lives of their co-workers. By the end of their meeting, they had formed Los Angeles County Employees #11 Federal Credit Union. A month later, at the first Board of Directors meeting, 65 memberships were approved, and $149 in deposits were recorded. Many notable changes have occurred over the years for “CU #11” including:
  • A merger with The Claremont Colleges FCU in the late ’70s
  • A merger with Public Services FCU in the ’80s – and took-on the Public Services name.
  • Our name was changed to 1st City Savings Federal Credit Union in 1985
  • In 2002, a California state charter was adopted and our name was changed to First City Credit Union.
  • In 2010, The credit union merged with Focus One Credit Union.
Much has changed since the credit union’s founding. From CU #11 to First City, some things never change: like member ownership, volunteer leadership, and a commitment to the highest standards of ethics and quality service. As a credit union, First City Credit Union is a co-operative not-for-profit financial institution, owned and operated by our members. We offer most of the consumer financial services offered by banks. Unlike banks, however, our earnings are returned to members in the form of superior loan and deposit rates, lower fees, and higher quality personalized service.