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Manage your First City CU Credit or Debit Card conveniently with our Mobile App¹ or Online Banking!

The Debit Card Controls feature allows you to:

• Turn debit card ON or OFF
• Customize locations for usage
• Limit purchases by merchant type
• Restrict payment methods
• Set up transaction alerts
• Control transaction amounts

Register today and start enjoying peace of mind protection when using your Credit or Debit Card.

¹ First City’s Mobile App is free to all First City CU members. An internet-enabled mobile device is required to access the Mobile App. Available only for Android™, iPhone® and iPad® devices. iPhone® and iPad® is a trademark of Apple® Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Standard messaging and data usage fees apply. Please contact your carrier for details.

How to Set Up Debit Card Controls

via Mobile App

  • Step 1: Once logged in, find Debit Card Controls under More (iOS) or Menu (Android).
  • Step 2: Register for Debit Card Controls by accepting the Terms and Conditions.
  • Step 3: Set your preferences for Alerts and Declines for managing debit card transactions.

via Online Banking

  • Step 1: Once logged in, find Debit Card Controls in Additional Services.
  • Step 2: Register for Debit Card Controls by accepting the Terms and Conditions.
  • Step 3: Set your preferences for Alerts and Declines for managing debit card transactions.

Debit Card Controls FAQs

What types of Alerts and Declines can be enabled?
Alerts and Declines can be set for the following categories:

  • Merchants: Personal Care, Household, Restaurants, Travel, Entertainment, Age Restricted, Department Stores, Gas Stations, and Groceries
  • Transactions: ATM, Recurring, Online, Mobile Wallet, In-Store, and Mail/Phone Order
  • Locations: Decline and/or set up alerts for international (foreign country) transactions
  • Spend Limits: Receive notification for or decline a transaction that is above a specific amount

What ways can I receive my alerts?
Choose your communication preferences:

  • Push Notifications: Enable using the Mobile App by going to Settings>Push Notifications. Or, by using Online Banking by going to Alerts and Notifications.
  • SMS (Text Alerts): Can only be enabled within Online Banking by going to Settings>My Settings>Alerts & Notifications>Change or Add Number.
  • Email: Can be enabled using the Mobile App in More (iOS) or Menu (Android) and going to Settings>My Settings>Communication Email. Or, by using Online Banking and going to My Settings>Communication Email.

How do I turn my debit card ON or OFF?

From the Mobile App main screen, tap on the toggle switch to turn your card off or on. Changes are effective immediately and you can control your debit card 24/7. Even if you turn your debit card off, any recurring transactions will not be blocked.