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Designed for members who like to save each month for seasonal spending.
Let First City help you save for holiday or vacation expenses. Our specialized club accounts are designed to help you build money towards your goal and let you enjoy the holidays and vacation stress free.Vacation Savings
- A minimum initial deposit of just $25 is required, followed by automatic deposits of at least $20 a month.
- If monthly deposits of at least $20 are made, funds will be transferred to your regular Savings Account at maturity.
- Federally insured to at least $250,000 by the NCUA.
Holiday Savings
- A minimum initial deposit of just $25 is required, followed by automatic deposits of at least $20 a month.
- If monthly deposits of at least $20 are made, funds will be transferred to your regular Savings Account at maturity.
- Federally insured to at least $250,000 by the NCUA.

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