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Dr. James D. Likens Board Room Dedication

The dedication of the Dr. James D. Likens Board room symbolizes First City’s deep appreciation and commitment to Dr. Likens’ contributions to the cause of credit unions and the growth of First City. A reception and ceremony was held to commemorate this historic credit union event and was attended by more than sixty guests including retired First City leadership, credit union industry leaders, representatives of the California and Nevada credit union leagues, and Dr. Likens along with his wife, Christine. First City’s Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team were privileged to hold their inaugural in-person board meeting in the newly minted board room later that evening, with Dr. Likens presiding as a guest. As the Credit Union moves forward, this space will continue to inspire creativity and foster innovation ensuring the institution remains a beacon of financial empowerment for its members.
A Reflection on Dr. Likens by Debbi Minero, VP, Facilities and Support Services
I have quite a few memories from when I managed the Claremont Branch, as a student and GA at Western CUNA Management School (WCMS), as part of the WCMS Alumni Board, as well as Dr. Likens’ time on the Board here at First City.
What can I say other than his passion and his love of credit unions is infectious. He made you look at the movement with more than an eye on capital or return on assets, but with your head and heart. He stressed that we are not in the business to act just like a bank, but to live up to the philosophy of “People Helping People”, by being smart, looking at the economy and what we can do/how we can serve our members and give them what they need to live a good life, especially those who were from humble beginnings just like him.
As a WCMS graduate and Alumni board member, I got to experience his insights and hugs, year after year. He was always willing to share an economy lesson and/or an update on the school. I look back fondly and think, until you attend WCMS you will never understand the commitment and passion he had for the school, the students, the instructors, the trustees; basically anyone and everyone touched by someone who was a part of WCMS. Orientation day was always one that students (especially first year) left in awe. When Dr. Likens would tell you his story about Head and Heart and the Frog Prince. Oh and we can’t forget the story about his girlfriend, Julia Roberts. He was our cheerleader, a mentor for so many and a good sport when it came to dressing in costume for the class events. (No matter what theme the class had chosen for their event, he was on point with his costume).
One of the funny things I remember about Dr. Likens as a board member, was the time he absolutely hated a marketing campaign we rolled out. The marketing team at the time (late 90’s) used pictures of cartoony looking, big headed people on bright lime green t-shirts and billboards, if I remember correctly it was the “You Rock” campaign. He saw one of the few billboards we had placed off the 605 Freeway and he wanted it taken down. His passion really showed through that day. I just remember everyone was surprised he did not like it. At WCMS, I remember him using that story during an economics class. He started the story with “Do you know what my credit union did …..”
He was proud to have a student(s) from his credit union, attending the school and he made sure everyone in the class knew this too. At least, I remember him making me stand up in front of my class and acknowledging I was there.
I am lucky to have spent my entire credit union career at “Dr. Likens’” credit union.
About Dr. James D. Likens
An excerpt from Head and Heart, My Life in Credit Unions
“Dr. James D. Likens taught economics at Pomona College for forty-six years. For forty-three of those years, he also directed a high-level credit union training program, Western CUNA Management School.
Along the way, Jim taught thousands of up-and-coming credit union employees, undertook credit union research, presented at professional credit union meetings, provided management consulting for struggling credit unions, facilitated strategic planning sessions, served on task forces, testified as an expert witness in legal cases, and even lobbied successfully for credit unions in the U.S. Congress.”
Dr. Likens’ years of service at First City
Dr. Likens was first elected to First City Credit Union’s Board of Directors in 1978, serving many terms as Board Chair. Dr. Likens epitomized the credit union philosophy of people helping people. As a credit union board member, he was a visionary leader and staunch protector of member interests. He retired from First City’s Board in 2022.

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